Lakeside Singers
Purchase an advertisement in the concert program
The Lakeside Singers are a community chorus made up of 40+ singers. We rehearse from March-June then culminate in a community concert June 7 and 8th. Everyone who sings gets the benefit of uplifting fellowship and music. Those who attend always say it was the “best show yet” and leave the concert with a smile on their face

Purchasing an advertisement for our concert program will help you build brand awareness and help us continue to make the arts accessible to the community.
Our programs are folded sheets of 8.5×11 so the nominal sizes of the ads are (width x height)
Full page: 5½” x 8½”
Half page: 5½” x 4¼”
Quarter page: 2¾” x 5½”
If would like to take out an ad, please do the following:
1. Complete the form below
2. Click the Submit to submit the form data to us
3. Pay the appropriate amount via PayPal or credit card.
DEADLINE for submission is May 15!!
Many thanks for your consideration!
Pay for Ad via PayPal or credit card.